Children's Ministry

The heart of childrens ministry at our church is to teach kids about who God is and how His word applies to their lives in creative and memorable ways. The safety of your child is important to us. Because of that, all teachers have had  background checks. Through engaging teaching, supportive environments, and close-knit small group classes, we guide kids toward a better understanding of what it means to have a real relationship with God. We want kids to know that the Bible is full of interesting stories that matter in their lives today, that fun and games are definitely allowed at church, that worship can be full of loud music and silly dancing, and that there are adults in the church who truly want to love and lead them closer to Jesus. In other words, we want them to know that where God is, life is a lot more fun!

Children's Opportunities


Loving, tender care is provided by consistent staff on Sunday mornings and church gatherings. Children must be signed in and out of the nursery.

Nursery is for children under 3 years of age. 

CHILDREN’S church 9:45

Children begin in the sanctuary with their families and are released to a teacher after the Children’s Moment. The teacher takes the children to Room 203 for a Bible story, craft, music and fun. Parents pick up children after service. Contact Lydia for further questions at 317-834-1787.


Vacation Bible School is an annual event for our children and a ministry opportunity for older youth and adults. 

Held in June, VBS invites kids that are

4 years old through children entering

6th grade to a fun-filled week of teaching based on the Bible, singing, games, and more! Register your child now!