Children's Church
Event Details

Sun, Jul 28th

8:30am - 12:15pm

Children's Wing

Mooresville First United Methodist church
900 Indianapolis Rd.
Mooresville, IN 46158

DURING 8:30 & 11:10 SERVICE: Children attend the beginning of worship with their family and are released to a teacher after the Children's Moment. The teacher takes the children to Room 203 for a Bible story, craft, music and fun. Parents pick up children after service (for ages 10 and under). DURING 9:45 SERVICE: Children begin in the sanctuary with their family and are released after the Children's Moment. Sunday School teachers escort the children to their rooms. A hands-on Bible curriculum is used. There may be special events during the years, such as a promotion ceremony and mission projects or drama practice. Parents must pick up children from the classrooms (for children 3 years old through sixth grade).
Event Details

Sun, Jul 28th

8:30am - 12:15pm

Children's Wing

Mooresville First United Methodist church
900 Indianapolis Rd.
Mooresville, IN 46158